If you’re thinking about outsourcing, you need to be aware of the pros and cons. Here are six tips for choosing the right tasks to outsource and to finding a professional who will partner with you for the long haul.

Know Your Strengths and Weaknesses 

When you’re outsourcing, select those tasks that are time-consuming and burdensome to you. Make sure you’re saving money and time by outsourcing.  

Have Clear Goals When Outsourcing 

Before committing to a long-term relationship, set clear expectations with performance metrics and outcomes. Outsourcing relationships fail because of unclear goals. Don’t just pawn off a task to an organization without thinking it through. You will have to work with them to make sure the work is getting done.   

Find the Right Person  

Do some research before signing on long-term with an outsourcing company. Ideally, you’ll be working with the vendor for a long time. Consider their expertise and knowledge in the area, as well as their capacity to grow with your business. Make sure any company fits with your brand and philosophy.

Make Time to Manage the Relationship

When you’re outsourcing, you can’t simply hand off the work without oversight. You will need to plan to stay on top of the outcomes because ultimately, your business is your business. Have a plan for what happens when you aren’t satisfied with the outsourcing work. 

Maintain Control of Your Data and Information

If you’re letting an outsourcing company write code or maintain your website, make sure that you have ownership of the processes and systems. Document everything. Maintain records. 

Watch Your Liability 

You are responsible for third-parties who work for you. Vet any outsourcing company to ensure they’re following industry best practices. Keep your liability low by checking with them regularly and overseeing their work. 

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