When you represent your business, you want to appear professional, knowledgeable and sociable. In order to do this, it’s important to understand the concept of proper manners and etiquette so you can make a lasting impression, while standing apart from others in the field. If you’re hoping to improve your company’s reputation for future success, here are three key places where you should begin to enforce better business etiquette rules for the sake of your professional image.
1. At the Dining Table
While this may sound obvious for those of you who learned table manners at an early age, there’s a certain show of respect and grace that comes from those who act properly at the dining table. Actions like keeping your mouth closed as you chew, waiting for everyone’s food to arrive before digging into your meal and placing a napkin across your lap are all commonly known.
However, it’s important at a business lunch or dinner to also consider other niceties, such as ordering a plate that’s in the same price range as your fellow diners, or passing dishes from side-to-side, as opposed to over the table to your guests. Stepping up your dining table manners can be surprising and appreciated by those that you’re trying to impress, so keep this in mind when you dine with current partners or potential clients.
2. Through Your Communication Channels
Business etiquette shouldn’t only be reserved for your clients, but for your office employees and colleagues, as well. Given the importance of communication outside of workplace meetings these days, it’s essential that you brush up on some digital manners.
For instance, when you’re replying to emails, limit your use of emojis. Furthermore, don’t leave your colleagues waiting for an email response or feedback for longer than 24 hours (unless you’re out-of-office or on vacation). When it comes to your smartphone, leave it off entirely while you’re meeting face-to-face with others, and watch your voice volume when you speak for better privacy and consideration of others.
3. In the Office
Possibly a no-brainer, but it’s crucial that you watch your etiquette at the workplace. Maintain eye contact with your peers and give them your full attention when they’re speaking. Be punctual for all meetings and appointments and — most importantly — stand by your commitments. If you make promises, keep them, unless it’s entirely out of your control. Even then, give ample notice to reschedule ahead of time.
Being a successful business owner means having to abide by certain business etiquette rules. Following this advice can help guide you toward a strong professional reputation and an outstanding social image in no time.